All data available for the right people, at the right time, at any place
Enable data-driven decision-making on the plant floor and across your enterprise. Improve your company’s decision-making and troubleshooting capabilities with our real- time manufacturing analytics software.
Real-time production analytics software
Produce answers. Faster.
When process issues begin causing downtime or scrapped product, there’s no time to waste. PARCview’s high-performance archive engine returns hours, days or months of high-resolution data within seconds, so you can get right to troubleshooting.
In addition, dataPARC can integrate different types of data like time-series data from control systems, profile data from QCS, lab values from QMS, defect data from WIS, felt/wire/blade changes from CMMS and more. With all the relevant data available you can build the path to root cause and start corrective actions.
PARCmodel provides advanced mathematical tools to support root cause analysis and troubleshooting. For example Principal Component Analysis provide clear list of contributors for a difference between good times and bad times. Combining PCA model with your process knowhow helps to find the root cause quickly.
- Fast root cause analysis
- Simple navigation – problem solving in one session
- reduced downtime
- reduced variability leads to reduced variable costs
Moving manufacturing forward
BTG integrates solutions for sustainable gains in business performance across your operations
Best in-class solutions
Leading-edge product application solutions deliver best-in-class solution for manufacturing
Proven cross-mill benefits
An integrated whole-of-mill approach that unlock new levels of process optimization
Trusted at every level
Measurable performance gains that support operational, maintenance and project professionals
Value added services
- BTG’s Mütek lab devices create cost savings through optimized chemical dosage and reliable, stable operation
- A new, fast and accurate method to optimize polymer dosage for dewatering processes in ‘ effluent treatment
- BTG’s Mütek PCD opens up new options for measurement of grain products, raw materials, additives and finished products

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