Optimized Retention – Increased Productivity
- Optimum usage of raw materials
- Few material losses to the clarified water
- Reduced waste water load
Retention influenced by Stock Flocculation
Retention – an important parameter for wet end chemistry
Retention aids are commonly used in the paper industry to influence the chemistry of pulp and final product quality. They are used to retain small particles and chemicals in the sheet rather than draining through the wire. Depending on paper grade, it is important to have the correct level of retention. Too low retention lets small particles and chemicals to drain through the sheet and accumulate in the white-water system. This causes several issues, such as deposits, poor runnability, increased usage of functional chemicals and sheet two sidedness.
Too high usage of retention aids may cause bad formation and runnability issues. Ideal retention allows water to drain through the sheet while retaining the paper machine chemicals and producing a consistent product. This reduces the steam required to dry the sheet in the dryer section and allows the machine to run faster.
Reliable in- and online instrumentation combined with our market leading wet end expertise help our customers to run their machines in optimum operation window, producing more in spec tons 24/7.
Wet end chemistry – Solution to produce better paper at lower cost
- Low loading of the save-all
- Reduced wire abrasion
- Less pumping energy
- Improved function of chemicals
- Quick start-ups and grade changes
Moving manufacturing forward
BTG integrates solutions for sustainable gains in business performance across your operations
Best in-class solutions
Leading-edge product application solutions deliver best-in-class solution for manufacturing
Proven cross-mill benefits
An integrated whole-of-mill approach that unlock new levels of process optimization
Trusted at every level
Measurable performance gains that support operational, maintenance and project professionals
Value added services
- BTG’s Mütek lab devices create cost savings through optimized chemical dosage and reliable, stable operation
- A new, fast and accurate method to optimize polymer dosage for dewatering processes in ‘ effluent treatment
- BTG’s Mütek PCD opens up new options for measurement of grain products, raw materials, additives and finished products

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