Layanan FITNIR
Keahlian kami di laboratorium dan di lapangan memperkaya pendekatan kemitraan kami untuk mendukung Anda dan sistem Anda
Knowledgeable and Dedicated
At FITNIR, we understand your business. Our expertise in both the lab and in the field go into every aspect of our product development.
Our innovations, process knowledge and dedication are focused on supporting your business success. We’re not just suppliers to our customers, we are partners.
Fitur Utama
- Sensor NIR spektrum penuh
- Sistem non-kontak, di atas konveyor
- Pengukuran online secara real-time
- Akurasi tinggi (+/-2.5%) dan pengulangan
- Perawatan minimal diperlukan
- Aplikasi untuk digester dan power boiler
- Aplikasi yang dapat diperluas
- Model kalibrasi yang kuat dan dapat dipindahtangankan
- Kemampuan untuk mengukur bahan beku dan tidak beku
- Penganalisis yang dirancang secara industri
- Perangkat lunak dan basis data internal dengan komunikasi langsung ke DCS
Here are the applications that are available under FITNIR Services
Fitnir Support
Ask us about the services packages we offer for varying levels of on-site support and maintenance services.
Support Services Provided by FITNIR
- Project coordination
- Application engineering including kickoff meeting, system configuration, calibration and validation
- System verification and testing
- Application documentation
- Initial and refresher training for mill personnel
After-sales Support
- Remote system monitoring service via VPN connection
- System auditing
- Configuration changes
- Routine and scheduled maintenance
Partnership Approach to Innovation
FITNIR encourages working in partnership with mills and customers to develop new applications. Contact us with your specific requests and find out how we can get the process started.
Analisis FT-NIR Tingkat Lanjut
Mengoptimalkan Proses Pulp Dengan Fitnir Online
Simak bagaimana FITNIR Online mengukur komposisi cairan lengkap secara akurat untuk membantu pabrik pulp
mengurangi variabilitas proses untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan profitabilitas.